Canned Mackerel in Tomato Sauce Spicy Salad

easy recipe, mackerel in tomato sauce spicy salad, spicy food, spicy salad, Thai food,

Hej hej! Today I'm gonna be showing you how to cook the very easy thai food recipe. Here it is ... Canned Mackeral spicy salad. This is one of the most popular ways for Thai people to cook canned fish.It's very easy recipe. It's cheap. It's yummy. What do you expect more from this recipe ? Lol so let's get started.

Ingredients ( for 1 person)
1. 1 can Mackerel which is around 80 g 
2. 15  g sliced red onion
3. 15 g sliced lemon grass
4. 15 g ginger , cut into long pieces
5. 1/2 tablespoon of fish sauce
6. 1/2 tablespoon of lime juice ( lemon juice is also ok)
7. 1/4 tablespoon of sugar
8. 1/4 tablespoon of chilli
9. Sweet basil for decorating ( in Sweden, it's called "Thai basilika" ) 

1. Mix fish sauce, lime juice , sugar and chilli together. Stir until sugar is dissolved, set aside

2. Toss canned Mackerel with all the veggies ( except sweet basil) and spicy dressing from no.1 together in the mixing bowl. Transfer to the plate for serving.

3. Garnish with sweet basil on top ... And yes it's all done! Very easy isn't it ? :p .

easy recipe, mackerel in tomato sauce spicy salad, spicy food, spicy salad, Thai food,

By the way , I would like to serve this recipe with rice. Holy moly! This is yum yum! But if you think it looks too spicy for you, just reduce the herbs and chilli from the recipe, that is fine.

I hope you would like to try this recipe sometimes. It's worth trying!!! 
